Born in 1988, in the city of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo.
As a child, whilst watching her architect mother, who worked and painted at home, Bruna discovered a great passion for drawing and painting.

From an early age she started selling her first custom made paintings and to improve her techniques, in 2006, she enrolled in the Fashion Design course at Faculdade Santa Marcelina in São Paulo, graduating in 2009.

In 2010, she gained international experience whilst studying and working at Jay Senechko’s and Marcos Macleod’s art studio in Vancouver, Canada, where she learned different work techniques.

In 2013, she moved to the city of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, where she lived for six years, working on her new studio as well as participating in the Centro Coletivo de Arte O Sítio.

Since the beginning of her career, Bruna has always sought to develop her own techniques, mixing painting, collage, drawing and printing, whilst working with different types of materials such as glue, gouache, acrylic paint, pastels, fabrics and recyclables.

Currently, she works in her studio in Ribeirão Preto, where she lives with her husband & children.

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